
Wednesday, May 7, 2014


President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has come forth with an initiative to hold the next summit meeting of presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey in Baku. He said this at a joint briefing after his meeting with his counterparts from Georgia and Turkey, Georgy Mergvelashvili and Abdullah Gul, in Tbilisi.
Aliyev said that the three presidents had decided to hold such summit meetings on a regular basis.

“I suggest the next meeting be held in Baku. I think it will be another good example of our friendship, cooperation and mutual respect,” he noted, adding that he was confident that the experience of such meetings would be “acceptable and interesting for other countries.”
The meeting between the three presidents was held in the format of the Trabzon Declaration that was signed in Trabzon on June 8, 2012. The document outlines key lines of cooperation between the three states, which are jointly working on a number of regional economic, energy and investment projects, and is geared to strengthen strategic cooperation between Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Today’s meeting was the first one in such format.
Tbilisi, May 06

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